A guide about New Zealand student visa


The New Zealand student visa allows you to study full-time in New Zealand for a period of between 4 months and 4 years. The duration of the visa is determined by the length of the course, in addition to the corresponding holiday.

The main requirement is to be enrolled in a course at a government-recognized New Zealand educational institution.

This New Zealand student visa allows you to work as long as the duration of the course is at least 14 weeks. In that case, you will be able to work 40 bisemanal hours and full-time in the holiday season. The good news is you won't have to pay taxes on your salary.

There are certain cases are that your partner and children can be included as companions (for Level 7 and 8 courses).

What can be studied with a student visa?

The studies to be completed with this New Zealand student visa can be of several types:

  • English courses.
  • Vocational or certified courses.
  • Undergraduate and graduate studies.
  • Combination of more than one course.

If you wish to Study in Abroad especially, New Zealand is a country with a wide range of courses. It is one of the most sought after countries.

New Zealand student visa requirements

In all cases, you must be duly enrolled in a school and have contracted student health insurance that covers your entire stay.

Depending on your nationality and the course to choose, when applying for a New Zealand student visa, the Immigration Department may ask you to:

  • Demonstration of financial funds (1,000 NDZ for each month of stay).
  • Money is equivalent to the cost of the return flight.
  • Medical and/or biometric tests (if necessary).
  • Other documentation depending on your nationality.

Working with a student visa in New Zealand

As mentioned above, the New Zealand student visa allows you to work 40 baseman hours during study periods and full-time on vacation periods.

So, for example, if you take a 4-month course of English you have an end month of vacation. During your time, you'll be able to work on average 20 hours a week legally and full-time with no time limit on the last month of vacation.

So apply for New Zealand student visa now, but still, if you have any queries then contact Study in Abroad consultancy.


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